Thursday 13 September 2012

MMU Eyes Future in Nanotechnology

MMU Eyes Future in Nanotechnology
Scouting for a degree Programme Leaving school after it may be a daunting experience for Most school leavers.
There are many considerations weighing That need, including the growth of the industry Selected Potential and cost of the Programme pursued as Decisions made cans make or break one's Career path of economic downturn in events or business uncertainties.
But there is one industry That is on the rise in Malaysia. It is none other than Nanotechnology. School leavers or Any Candidates Considering the engineering Programme Nanotechnology alternative cans.
Although the field is still in its infancy, there is Growing interest and expenditure in it.
Multimedia University (MMU) vice-president of Academic, Associate Professor Wong Eng Kiong says: "We are seeing a slow but steady Increase in Enrolment in our Nanotechnology Programme Because of the government's Emphasis under the 9th Malaysia Plan."
Under the 9MP, RM124.3 million has Been allocated for the Nanotechnology industry. The inauguration of the Malaysia Nanotechnology Association (MNA), governmental support for Nanotechnology is at an all-time high as the technology cans revolutionise the entire manufacturing industry.
One way this is achieved is by generating new TYPES of Nanomaterials, applicable in the metal, chemical and nanoelectronics industries. Other industries benefit That cans are automotive, pharmaceuticals and health sciences, as well as information technology.
Realising the Potential huge in store for the industry, recently launched its MMU Bachelor of Electronics Engineering (Hons) majoring in Nanotechnology. It is the first of Nanotechnology Azizuzanadi courses to be offered in the country.
"Nanotechnology Programme This is a true landmark offerings," says Wong.
Previously he said, Those who wished to Pursue a Career on Nanotechnology must go Overseas.
"Now, you're free to join as an Undergraduate and be part of a growth industry."
He adds That the Career prospect for a nanotechnologist is quite Healthy and Promising.
He adds That the past FEW years not have seen an Increase in Enrolment mechanical engineering, due to the manufacturing industry in the country. Telecommunications engineering Remains also rates a popular choice.
MMU is one of the very FEW Institutions in the country's offerings Undergraduate Programme in Nanotechnology
Intakes are open this month in the fields of engineering, IT, management and creative multimedia.

Best Way to Lose Weight: Start Snacking in the Office!

Best Way to Lose Weight: Start Snacking in the Office!

I have a confession to make. I snack in the office. In fact I have a drawer in the office that's filled with all my midday snacks that you'd think I was preparing for an imminent war.
Truth is, one of the best way to lose weight is to eat every three hours as it helps to stroke your metabolism and prevent your body from storing fat. And snacking between meals is the easiest way to do that. But before you get too excited about your containers of cookies, crackers and candies that you display oh-so-proudly on your desk, understand that only certain snacks that will help you to lose weight.
Because we office workers are always in a rush for time, we need snacks that don't need a lot of time to prepare and hopefully is something that can be consumed immediately at your desk.
Lets take a look at some of my personal favorite fat burning snacks and see whether you have any of these in your office tidbit stash.
1. Baked Almonds:
Almonds or all nuts in general have gotten a bad reputation because they all contain fat. Just like there are good and bad carbohydrates, there are also good and bad fats (artificial trans fats). Fortunately, the fat that you get from almonds are healthy monounsaturated fat that can lower your LDL cholesterol levels and lower your risk of heart diseases.
So does almond prevent weight loss at all? Yes! reported that in a 28 month study conducted in Spain, participants who ate nuts at least twice a week were 31% less likely to gain weight than those who didn't consume it.
Rich in Vitamin E, Almonds are also full of nutrients. When your body is nourished with nutrient rich food, you stay satiated longer after a meal. So popping a handful of almonds (No more than 20) as a midday snack will keep hunger pangs at bay.
2. Dark Chocolates:
Finally, one of the best ways to lose weight is to eat something that you all enjoy and can eat without feeling sinful. Chocolates - or more accurately, cocoa, is known to have one of the highest concentrations of antioxidants (flavonoids) in any food.
Thanks to the bitter taste and the cocoa butter, dark chocolate helps with weight loss by slowing down digestion and keeping you feeling fuller. In addition, the polyphenol present in cocoa helps absorbs glucose and burns fat.
Furthermore, the mood improving properties of cocoa actually helps reduce stress, which incidentally is one of the major reasons for emotional eating.
But don't mistakenly stock up on milk chocolates! Remember, only dark chocolates of 70% cocoa content and above will have fat loss properties. If you can stomach it, obviously the higher cocoa content the better.
3. Apples:
An apple a day can also keep the fat away. An ideal snack at anytime of the day, apples are low in calories, fat and sodium and its full of vitamins, minerals rich in fiber. If you have a sugar craving, the natural fructose in apples will take care of that as well.
With regards to fat loss, Pectin that's present in apple's fiber is the key ingredient. Pectin is an insoluble fiber that helps digestive health and also keeps your body feeling full a lot longer.
Considering apples have such low calories, eating more of it instead of your usual candy bars will cause a calorie deficit resulting in weight loss!
4. Oat Meal:
Yes Oatmeal. Nobody said oatmeal is restricted to be eaten only at breakfast.
A staple in almost all serious weight trainers, the weight loss benefits of oatmeal is renowned and proven. High in fiber and an excellent source of complex carbohydrates, oatmeal helps to stabilize our blood sugar levels and suppresses hunger pangs. Other health benefits include lowering cholesterol and reducing the risk of heart diseases.
Contrary to popular belief, preparing oatmeal is not that difficult. I personally keep a tin of Quaker Instant Oatmeal (Natural whole grain oats. No Sugar) in my office pantry. All I do is mix about a glass of milk into a serving of oatmeal and sprinkle some trail mix (those without M&Ms) or almonds and I'm done. If you prefer to have it hot, then simply microwave it for about 3-5 minutes and you have a nutritious midday snack to last you till dinner time.
To lose weight doesn't necessarily mean you have to eat less and reduce calories. Not all calories are created equal. The calories you get from apples are definitely more beneficial to your body than a chocolate chip cookie. So go ahead and snack in the office! Replace your current office tidbits or snacks with the above and you will know why this is the best way to lose weight!
If you work in an office and are looking for the best way to lose weight or how to reduce tummy in the shortest amount of time, there's a effective fat loss starter kit at that will help you to lose up to 5 lbs in the first week!

Does Drinking Water Help Weight Loss?

Does Drinking Water Help Weight Loss?

Can something as simple as drinking water help weight loss?
Before you dismiss this, ask yourself if you drink enough water every day. If you think that just because you work in an office and do not perspire much and hence do not need to drink so much water, you are wrong!
In fact, we corporate workers drink less water than we realize! In fact, we probably drink more coffee than water! We sit in the office all day checking emails and rushing deadlines. Before you know it, your next sip of water only comes at lunchtime. Personally I have gone for almost a day in the office without touching a sip of water. It is only when my throat was so dry and I can't even talk on the phone properly that I was reminded I haven't had anything to drink at all.
In this time and age where quick fix fat loss products flood our pharmaceutical shelves, we office workers are always searching for the next cutting edge fat loss pill for the quickest way to lose weight. But we often overlook the most basic and natural of our fat loss resource. One that is effective, free and completely without side effects. One of them is water.
Here are some little known facts about the impact of water on weight loss and some tips to keep your body properly hydrated throughout the day.
1. Natural appetite suppressant
In case you are wondering if this means you should replace your regular meals with gallons of water, no. When our bodies are dehydrated, it can sometimes misinterpret thirst for hunger. In the stressful office environment that we work in, we will usually reach out for a cup of coffee or grab anything sugary so it can both give us a quick boost in energy and at the same time curb what we believe is hunger. Since what our body is truly looking to be hydrated instead of being fed, this false signal of hunger will soon come back resulting in you indulging in a lot of unnecessary snacking. We all know what the outcome of that is going to be.
When you have a bottle of water at your desk, you have a higher tendency to drink it than if you had to constantly get it from the pantry. So at the start of the work day, keep a one liter bottle of water at your desk and aim to finish everything by lunchtime. After lunch, replenish that bottle and aim to finish it before you finish for the day.
For all you coffee drinkers, don't think for a second that all those coffee you drink is enough to hydrate your body. Caffeine is a diuretic that actually dehydrate you. So coffee drinkers should actually drink more water instead.
2. Improves Fat Metabolism
Our liver is an amazing organ that is responsible for metabolizing fat amongst many other important functions such as cleansing your body of toxins, breaking down alcohol, etc.
Metabolizing fat basically means converting fat to be used as energy.
Drinking water helps weight loss by ensuring your liver is metabolizing fat properly. When your body is dehydrated, your kidney functions are affected. If your kidneys cannot perform properly, the liver steps up to take on its duties and hence becomes overloaded. When that happens the liver won't be able to help you burn fat effectively.
If you exercise and don't drink enough water, this will negate the fat burning benefits of your workouts altogether.
Never wait till you are thirsty to drink water. When your body has to signal thirst to you, that means you are already on the verge of dehydration and your liver is about to work overtime and in the process affecting your fat burning effectiveness.
3. Improve exercise performance
Everyone knows that maintaining proper hydration is crucial before, during and after exercise. If you do not drink sufficient water, your blood thickens and it becomes harder for your body to transport oxygen and nutrients to your muscles to effectively perform your workouts.
If you can't get the most out of your workouts, how are you going to burn fat efficiently?
Furthermore, as your exercise, your body heats up. Without proper hydration, your body clings on to whatever little water it has. This means you will not be able to perspire and cool your body down during exercise resulting in your body overheating and in severe cases, leading to heat stroke.
Before your exercise, aim to drink at least a tall glass of water. Keep a large bottle of water handy and drink it constantly during your exercise to keep yourself hydrated throughout the workout session.
4. Burn extra calories
Drinking water helps weight loss by helping your burn extra calories as well.
Scientists in Germany discovered that drinking at least 500 ml of water in one sitting increased our metabolic rate by 30% in 10 minutes. This increased metabolism will sustain for up to 40 minutes and during this time, 100 extra calories are burned.
Aim to drink at least 2 liters of water when you are in the office to burn up to 400 extra calories a day.
At the beginning, don't worry if you are suddenly visiting the washroom more often due to your increased water intake. This just means that your body is now able to release water that it has been keeping in your body. As you continue to drink more water, your body will recognize that it doesn't have store water anymore and will now allowing for a better regulation of fluid within your body.
We all know that water is life. It's no coincidence that drinking more water is always the advice we get whenever we are not feeling well. So before you reach out for the next "state-of-the-art" fat loss pill for the quickest way to lose weight, give drinking more water a try. And the answer to the commonly asked question, "Can drinking water help weight loss?" will be very pleasingly evident to you.
If you work in an office and can't seem to find time to lose weight, there are more great weight loss tips to show you how to get slim and the quickest way to lose weight. Also, you can get your hands on the free fat loss starter kit that has helped many others lose up to 5 lbs in the first week. Visit now!

6 Benefits of Consuming Green Tea

6 Benefits of Consuming Green Tea

I am not a big fan of consuming green tea, but I do take a sip or two every week. The main reason is because I need to keep my body weight balanced. Over the past week I was conducting a research on the benefits of consuming green tea and astonished to find out that apart from maintaining healthy weight, it also fights diabetes, tooth decay and Alzheimer's disease.
It has a rich history of over thousands years and is a popular drink in China. It has been a vital component of making weight loss medicines. From maintaining blood pressure to fighting diabetes, there are a number of advantages of consuming green tea. I have listed all of the possible benefits below:
1. Maintaining body weight - Consuming green tea helps in increasing the metabolism rate of the human body, thereby leading to faster digestion of food. When consumed on regular basis, it helps in maintaining body weight and shedding ugly fat.
2. Fighting diabetes - After consuming a meal, it is normal for the blood sugar to rise, but for a diabetic patient, this could be dangerous. It helps in maintaining sugar level and avoids any sudden sparks in blood sugar.
3. Burning Cholesterol. There are two types of cholesterol, the good and the bad. We need good cholesterol to keep our bodies in healthy state, but also need to control and even shed away bad cholesterol. Green tea helps in eliminating bad cholesterol from our bodies so that we can remain fit, healthy and young.
4. Controlling Alzheimer's disease - Honestly speaking, I was really unaware of this benefit. A clinical study conducted on mice showed that it helped in recovering the damaged brain cells after consuming this tea.
5. Preventing tooth decay - My parents had always been yelling at me to regularly consume milk as it is good for the bones and teeth. Little did I know that green tea is equally beneficial? It helps in fighting the bacteria responsible for tooth decays.
6. Controlling Blood Pressure. Studies have proven that regular consumption of green tea could lead to stability in blood pressure. Many of my friends that I know have been benefitting in controlling their blood pressure this way.
Now that we know about the benefits, let us decide on the frequency of consumption. There is a widespread debate still going on as to how many cups of green tea should be consumed on daily, weekly and monthly basis. Clinical researchers do not have a definitive answer to this question.
Moreover, it contains some chemicals that could be harmful for pregnant mothers. So if you are thinking of becoming pregnant or currently conceiving a baby, stay away from it.

There have been many benefits of consuming green tea and it is important that you consult all of these with your medical assistant.

Guidelines to Help You With Weight Loss

Guidelines to Help You With Weight Loss

Sometimes it is very hard to lose weight because it just seems like a losing battle. As with everything worthwhile, it is just a question of getting motivated and then planning what you will do to lose those pounds. Here you will find some points to help you do this.

Your first step is to motivate yourself. It is easy to dream but with something like weight loss you need to get active and start doing. One of the best ways to motivate you is to look in the mirror and realize that yes you are fat and need to do something about it today. This is sometimes hard to do but once you face up to the fact you can get yourself motivated and start to take action.

For a woman buying a nice outfit that is one size smaller can also motivate you. You know that you will have to lose some weight to get into the outfit. It will be like a reward when you lose enough to fit into the outfit.

Friends and family can help you to get motivated. Forums are sometimes good for support and motivation as you will find people with the same problem there. They often have some useful tips to help you with losing weight.

A food journal can also help you to stay motivated as you will be accountable for your progress. You can record the foods you have eaten and what progress you have made. It will help you to see what foods are effective in losing weight and which ones to avoid. When you see your progress you will feel more motivated and understand that you are working towards your goals.

You should get a calorie counter and see how many calories you are burning with your exercises. This will help you to do the most effective exercises and help you to stay motivated. Once you see the calories you have burnt you can calculate how many calories you should be taking in.

Planning is an important part of losing weight. You should make a plan and write it down. This will keep you on track and help you to lose weight. It is like going on a journey and not taking something to guide you as to which road you should be taking.

You should create goals and reward yourself when you achieve them. Do not use food as a reward or you may find yourself slipping. You can make your progress and achievement of goals part of your food diary. Try not to lose weight too quickly as this is not good for your body and you can find the weight coming back. 10 pounds a month is the right ratio to aim for.

Exercise and healthy eating go hand in hand when it comes to weight loss. So remember to exercise on a daily basis and eat healthy food. You should try to eat 6 small meals per day instead of 3 big ones to make sure that your metabolism increases. Eat plenty of fiber as this will keep you from feeling hungry. Try to eliminate junk food.

Take Care Of Healthy

Diabetes is not all gloom and doom. There are some positive things about Diabetes. Knowing them helps one cope better. Obviously there are many health related positives like weight loss, regular diet, but there is more to it than just health. Let's look at some key takeaways about Diabetes.
Diabetes can benefit all including you, your family and your community or a social circle.
Top 10 positive things about Diabetes:-
1) Dietary habits get disciplined :- It's not in human nature to control the desire to eat favourite junk foods. Diabetes forces this discipline upon you. Although reluctantly, everyone will accept that its a good habit and they always felt the need for it.
2) Weight loss:- As a Diabetic,1st advice you will get from all is to control your sugar levels. And 2nd is to lose weight. Therefore most Diabetics focus the most on these 2 things and they actually do very well after following this advice. It's a major benefit considering the positives it brings to your health profile. It reduces risk of acquiring other major illnesses. Overall fitness level too goes up.
3) Special food demands:- There is a palpable change in food habits after Diabetes. You get more say in the daily diet plan and it is often cooked after consulting you. Hence the prospects of getting your favourites improve.
4) Improved cooking skills:- Diabetes imposes several restrictions on many daily food items. Hence, it forces the homemaker to think out of the box, innovate. They later go on to make some great new recipes that are healthier and more delicious. One would get to taste those recipes otherwise.
5) Family health improves:- While you get more say in daily diet, your prescribed food is served to the entire family. Diabetic diet being lighter and healthier benefits everybody. As the awareness about Diabetes increases, other members too adopt healthier lifestyles.
6) Regular health check-ups:- Health when normal is the most neglected part of life. Few people really appreciate their good health. Most take it for granted. They realize its value only when something goes wrong. This along with high expenses keeps most away from regular health check-ups. After Diabetes, the frequency of health visits increase. This helps in early diagnosis and proper treatment of other disorders.
7) Fear of needles decreases:- Diabetics (especially those with type I) are forced to take Subcutaneous Insulin injections multiple times daily. Frequent blood glucose testing also involve needle pricks. Initially its a big hassle. Everyone hates it but after a few days people get accustomed to it. Thereafter their fear about needle pricks and injections decreases substantially.
8) Helps understand people:- Diabetes, these days is one of the best conversation starters. It gets people going. Diabetics get a point to make while Non-Diabetics find it intriguing. It piques their interest to know how you are managing it. These conversations later turn into friendly chat and thus the social circle expands.
9) Become motivated in life:- Adversity always brings the best out of people. Thoughts about Diabetes cripples people at first. Later people learn about it. They accept it as a challenge and get motivated to deal with it.
10) Promotes Social Harmony:- In daily life, normal health brings many advantages that people take it for granted. After people get diagnosed with diabetes, they feel humbled. Their attitude towards the disabled, handicapped and not so lucky ones change. Their sensitivity towards social issues increases. They become more empathetic and develop an urge to do more.

KLIUC Improves Internet User Experiences with SANGFOR\

KLIUC Improves Internet User Experiences with SANGFOR\

Kuala Lumpur Infrastructure University College (KLIUC), the well-known Malaysia tertiary education institution, has improved the Internet accessing experiences for campus users by deploying SANGFOR's IAM solution. IAM's bandwidth management feature based on application guarantees smooth web accessing speed and provide an enjoyable Internet environment for students and staffs.

KLIUC which was established in 1998, is the focus of Kumpulan Ikram's tertiary education activities. Guided by motto of "For Knowledge, For Humanity", KLIUC aim to produce graduates with outstanding technological and management skills, possess high moral values to meet the challenges of Vision 2020 and the K-economy.

Enhanced with up-to-date academic facilities, highly qualified lecturers among whom are industry practitioners, KLIUC strives to ensure high quality education in areas of Engineering, Business and Information Technology. 3 years into the business of education, KLIUC is already recognized for its quality management system achieved through ISO 9001 :2000 certification in December 2000.

By deploying SANGFOR Internet Access Management solution, KLIUC is able to audit the the Internet flow situation through detailed reports. It is identified large amount of P2P download and on-line video stream occupying bandwidth and causing slow Internet accessing speed. Therefore, IAM performs the bandwidth limitation for P2P and on-line media, which make sure enough bandwidth for campus related applications.

Discoveries aplenty at Monash Open Day

Discoveries aplenty at Monash Open Day

open day


Helicopter landings, artificial lightning storms, glass blowing and dinosaur exhibits are just some of the activities that will showcase world-leading facilities and courses at Monash on Open Day.
For aspiring students, Monash Open Day is about getting questions answered, exploring course options and seeing inside Australia’s largest university. Visitors can speak with staff and current students and take part in tours at the University’s six Victorian campuses this weekend.

The University’s undergraduate schools and departments will host interactive demonstrations and information sessions.

Saturday 4 August

Berwick, 10am – 4pm

For those born to save lives, Berwick campus will show off its simulated nursing ward as part of the MaskEd program. The Student Experience and Support Lounge will provide a good taste of university life and the JAM Club (Music and performance) will play live.

Peninsula, 10am – 4pm

Monash Sport will run activities across all campuses and visitors will have the chance to see the new activity and recreation centre, launched at the Peninsula campus earlier this year. Scheduled emergency air ambulance landings are planned for Peninsula campus, offering a chance to see nursing training and paramedic CPR demonstrations while touring medical laboratories.

Gippsland, 10am – 4pm

Gippsland campus will open its Simulation Centre, there will be an art and gallery exhibition in theAuditorium, and visitors can have their blood pressure taken or a massage at the relaxation centre.
The largest wind tunnel in the southern hemisphere, utilised by aerodynamicists and the Australian Olympic track cycling team is on show at Clayton campus as well as a prehistoric adventure 250 million years back in time at the Monash Science Centre’s dinosaur exhibition. In-court demonstrations with Monash law students (12.30–2.30pm), an artificial lightning generator, an orchestra concert (2.30–4pm) and open rehearsals forThe Wind in the Willows are must see activities.

Sunday 5 August
Clayton, 10am – 4pm

The largest wind tunnel in the southern hemisphere, utilised by aerodynamicists and the Australian Olympic track cycling team, a prehistoric adventure 250 million years back in time at the Monash Science Centre’s new dinosaur exhibit. In-court demonstrations with Monash law students (12.30–2.30pm), an artificial lightning generator, an orchestra concert (2.30–4pm) and open rehearsals for The Wind in the Willows are must see activities.

Caulfield, 10am – 4pm

The mesmerising gallery spaces of the Monash University Museum of Art can be toured at Caulfield campus, including glass blowing at the Monash Glass Studio. A high-tech customer eye-tracking system will help those interested in consumer behaviour to better understand advertising, and the Faculty of Business and Economics will feature live trading in the STAR Lab Dealing Room, offering a unique chance to see foreign exchange trading in action.  Lego robots and animation will stimulate the imagination with the Faculty of Information Technology.

Vibrant student run gallery Runt Space (Building D), in the Faculty of Art Design & Architecture, will transformation into a petting zoo  which has been plucked from the typical dusty setting of the royal show.

Parkville, 10am – 4pmPharmatopia, the virtual tableting factory within the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at Parkville campus will be on display along with laboratory spaces.

More than 120 student ambassadors, wearing unmistakable blue uniforms, will be on site across the weekend to help visitors find their way around campuses.

Monash University Open Day will take place on Saturday 4 (Berwick, Gippsland and Peninsula) and Sunday 5 August (Caulfield, Clayton and Parkville).

KLIUC won Gold and Silver Medals at ITEX 2012

KLIUC won Gold and Silver Medals at ITEX 2012

This is the first time KLIUC participated in the International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition (ITEX) and we won the awards!
KLIUC sent two (2) teams to compete and showcase their products in this prestigious exhibition at KLCC from 17 to 19 May 2012. The first product was the Reclamation and Reuse of Alum Sludge by School of Engineering and Technology Infrastructure (SETI).  The second product was  the College InterComm by School of Information Technology (SITI).
The SETI team has won GOLD medal for Environmental and Renewable Energy category and the SITI team has won a SILVER medal for ICT and Multimedia category.

Description: ITEX 1.jpg

INTI's Industry Collaborations Link Students to Latest Resources in ICT

IBM, Cisco and SAP are among INTI’s list of global IT partners providing students with cutting edge technological know-how and professional certification to ensure their high employability upon graduation.

In fulfilling its brand promise to bring industry into the classroom, INTI through synergistic alliances such as MyUniAlliance with SAP and Software Career Training (SCT) with IBM, have enabled its students to gain access to a wealth of resources, technologies, industry best practices and business solutions.

INTI was one of the first educational institutions in Malaysia to participate in MyUniAlliance, an initiative by Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) to upscale and hone the abilities of undergraduates in ICT. A special hosting service is available to INTI’s students to access SAP systems for hands-on learning under a free software license that will provide knowledge of integrated business processes and industry best practices.

“Graduates need to be knowledgeable about Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems which integrate internal and external management information across an entire organization. We are very pleased to be in partnership with SAP, the world’s largest ERP solutions provider, to create educational opportunities and promote innovation among our students,” said Professor Walter Wong, Vice-Chancellor of INTI International University.

Professional certification provides INTI students with additional practical skills and knowledge that will give them a competitive edge over their peers. IBM’s SCT programme offers students a combination of technical knowledge, IBM leading technology, industry best practices and personal professional development in one integrated, career-enhancing learning experience. Graduates will acquire a high quality and recognised Malaysian qualification from INTI as well as an international IBM professional certification which gives them an immediate edge in job interviews and employment.

INTI has also worked alongside Cisco Networking Academy for many years. By incorporating the CCNA and CCNA wireless syllabus into its Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Network & Mobile Computing programme, INTI ensures that students develop the skills to design and manage medium-sized networks. The partnership also presents a pathway to professional certification in CCNP and CCIE.

The INTI curriculum emphasises on all-rounded development of a student’s cognitive and practical skills. Close collaboration with the industry ensures that the curriculum developed is relevant to the market’s needs, and more importantly, focuses on soft skills such as project management, team work, and proposals among others, which are essential skills when entering the work force.

Students of INTI benefit not only from the institution’s over 25 years of experience and strong track-record, but also gain from the global synergy and resources that Laureate International Universities provides. Laureate – the world’s largest private education network – has a presence in 29 countries, with more than 60 accredited universities and 130 campuses, serving more than 675,000 students globally.

MAMPU Gives High Marks to UKM ICT Strategic Plan

MAMPU Gives High Marks to UKM ICT Strategic Plan

By Saiful Bahri Kamaruddin
Pix Shahiddan Saidi

BANGI, 11 May 2012 – The Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit, MAMPU has given high marks to The National University of Malaysia (UKM) as an agency leading the charge in research through Information and Communications Technology (ICT). 

MAMPU Director-General, Dato' Mohamad Zabidi Zainal said he was impressed with UKM's commitment to working with the agency in raising the stakes of research in the university through its ICT strategic plan. 

He took pride with the support and involvement of MAMPU as the consultant  to UKM’s ICT experts to come up with an ICT strategic plan for institutions of higher learning in the country.

He made the remarks at a brief ceremony for the submission of UKM's 2011–2015 ICT Strategic Plan at Cancellory meeting room today. The document was handed over to UKM Vice-Chancellor, Prof Tan Sri Dato' Wira Dr Sharifah Hapsah with a copy given to Dato’ Zabidi.

The plan takes into account the development, planning and implementation of ICT in UKM's main campus in Bangi as well as at its other campus in Kuala Lumpur and the UKM Hospital in Cheras.

Dato' Mohamad Zabidi said the processes used had helped raise awareness and expertise for all those involved. The UKM ICT Strategic Plan began in August 25 2010 and is all-encompassing.

Prof Sharifah Hapsah said that ICT is the key to the core business of UKM, that is teaching, learning and research saying since ICT became widespread on the main campus, UKM became more efficent and speedier including among students and the teaching staff as can be seen all over the campus in Bangi.

The in-depth development of the ICT Strategic Plan was carried out by a team led by Prof Ir Dr Othman Abdul Karim as the project director. 

Consultancy for the project was provided by a team of strategic ICT consultants at MAMPU led by Dato' Dr Zahari Othman.

The plan is a long-term one that determines the direction of planning, strategic development and implementation of ICT projects to support the achievement of UKM's vision and mission.

The plan, which is part of the public sector ICT strategy, details the objectives of the ICT policies. It is aimed at ensuring that ICT management in all agencies are in line with the public sector ICT strategy.

Also present at the ceremony were the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Academic and International Affairs, Prof Datuk Dr Noor Azlan Ghazali; Prof Ir Othman who is also Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni and Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research and Inovation, Prof Dato' Dr Rahmah Mohamed.

MAMPU is tasked with taking the lead role in implementing modernisation strategies for the Malaysian Public Service.

In implementing its responsibility, MAMPU says it focuses on initiatives that can upgrade the quality, efficiency, effectiveness, and integrity of the Public Service. 

All these initiatives encompass the areas of quality acculturation, organisational development, integrity management, ICT development and enhancing relationships between the public and private sectors. 

The modernisation initiatives implemented by MAMPU have to be conveyed widely to all government agencies by all available channels in order ensure accurate and updated information are readily available.

The Puzzle of Learning a Language

The Puzzle of Learning a Language: Can Adjunct Models Help in Language Learning?

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puzzleHow can research help the nation’s English language teachers who face the mounting challenge of educating language minority students to acquire the essential skills required to succeed academically? Students who attend tertiary education are sometimes underprepared to deal with university courses and this is compounded by the fact that they may be less proficient in English. As most university courses are taught in English, they need to develop skills that include being able to synthesize lectures and academic texts as well as to express information clearly in assignments and examinations in order to maximise their potential for academic success.

Research by Megawati Omar, Ph.D, of the English Department, Academy of Language Studies, provides insight into this by examining the effectiveness of Adjunct Language Instruction (ALI). ALI is one of the Content Based Instruction models.

ALI situates in such a way that the learning of English is conducted concurrently with a content subject, in this case, English (writing) and Physics, using the content subject materials in the English class. The test eventually suggested that the use of adjunct models has positive effects on language learning.

INTEC Outstanding Host Talk With Minister of Youth and Sports

INTEC Outstanding Host Talk With Minister of Youth and Sports
A Talk program together with the Minister of Youth and Sports, YB Dato 'Sri Ahmad Shabery Cheek was held on 5 September last, at the College Cemara, INTEC Education College (INTEC), Shah Alam. Also present enliven the event, Deputy Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, Prof. Dato 'Dr. Abdullah Mohamed Said and INTEC Director, Prof. Dr. Corey Noordin.

The program is organized to inject a sense of unity among INTEC students from different races and backgrounds. Topics of discussion are presented in the forum is the role of the youth to the community and youth participation to activities or programs provided by the ministry. A total of four panel took part, among them Minister and three students INTEC consisting of Malays, Chinese and Indians.

In addition, the presence of the Minister of the talk show program is hoped to enhance students' understanding of strong character development and the importance of their involvement in community activities for overseas living life in the future. Good advice delivered by the Minister through his experience and guidance will guide the students.

The highlight of the program guests were entertained with students on the theme of 1Malaysia. Before the ceremony ended 1Malaysia sacred songs were sung en masse along the Honourable Minister.


Independence outcry Reverb in UiTM, Senior Proof Patriotic spirit of 1Malaysia
Shah Alam, 04 September - Independence Day Celebration 55th stage of Universiti Teknologi MARA was greeted with so lively appropriate to the theme Gema Merdeka, at Anjung Sri Budiman, UiTM Shah Alam. Also present were the Vice-Chancellor enliven the event, Dato 'Prof. Ir Dr Sahol Hamid Abu Bakar.

UiTM citizens also celebrate the independence celebration, proving their patriotism 1Malaysia always thickened to this beloved country. The celebration was also fueled by poetry recital presentation, entitled Malaysia Merdeka M by national poet, Abdul Ghafar Ibrahim, better known as Pak Agi,

"History is a mirror of the past to our future. Independence of our country would be meaningless if there are still those among us who are not full-soul instill the love for the country and nation. "Said Vice-Chancellor.

"History has shown that people who betray their own country will be easily conquered, subjugated and ultimately destruction also fail," he said.

All citizens UiTM an ambassador who will lead the university image in the public eye. So strong identity and personal lives need to be strengthened in order to defend their religion, race and nation, as well as love and care UiTM with a vengeance.

In the meantime, Council summit concluded with a flag and singing Date 31. Vice Chancellor also affix flag on staff as a symbolic vehicle Independence Day Celebration-55 for the studies.

UTM launched mobile hotspot bus

UTM launched mobile hotspot bus

 Johor Bahru, July 2, 2012:  UTM launched its maiden UTM Mobile Hotspot Bus today, a bus that is fully equipped with a modem, also known as WCC Mobile Hotspot, allowing up to 200 passengers connected to the internet simultaneously, and can be used within a radius of up to 100m from the bus. The WCC Mobile Hotspot is a spin off from the internet bridging access and smart antenna technologies previously produced by UTM Wireless Communication Centre (WCC), headed by Prof. Dr.Tharek Abdul Rahman.
                      The product is one of UTM’s latest technologies managed by the Innovation and Commercialisation Centre (ICC) to be further commercialised by the private sectors. To ensure the quality of the WCC Mobile Hotspot is stable and reliable to users, the WCCspent 3 months of pilot tests with the collaboration of a local bus service provider, Syarikat Bas MARA Liner and Maxis, which sponsored simcards for the proof-of-concept. It is expected that the use of a mobile wifi in public busses will be a major milestone for bus providers in Malaysia to attract more passengers to use their services.
                     “UTM plans to install the technology on all UTM busses in the near future and further commercialise the technology to other public bus service providers such as MARA Liner, airport limousines and other public transport providers through licensing activities to ensure the technologies can be benefited by most Malaysians,” said UTM Vice Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Ir. Dr.ZainiUjang.
Other major technology produced by UTM Wireless Communication Centre is the Smart Antenna Technology, a flat antenna that is able to give up to 80% efficiency rate as compared to 50-60% that of the conventional ones.



GRASPING to make sense of a surfeit of madness, news articles across the nation have mentioned the role that the Internet may have played in helping organize the Oklahoma City bomb attack, detailing places on the net where militia and hate groups gather.

One publisher, rushing to sell books in a display of avarice and bad taste, sent out a news release about a new book on computer security under the headline, "Are Car Bombers Cruising the Internet?" and proclaiming that "a new breed of on-line terrorist" is stalking the network.
In these times, it is easy to demonize the big, powerful, invisible Internet -- to be outraged that it harbors pornographers and hackers and hate groups, and demand a means to monitor and control their conversations on the network so they might be stopped.

But is the Internet any more friendly to terrorists and social outcasts than the telephone, say, or any other communication system or network? News reports have repeatedly noted that books on making bombs were available on line. I've seen plenty of bomb-making books over the last 15 years in bookstores. In fact, most of the books you can find in survivalist bookstores are legally obtained United States Government field manuals with titles like "Unconventional Warfare Devices and Techniques," "Boobytraps," "Improvised Munitions Handbook" and "Incendiaries."

Some newspaper and television reports have provided details about Internet World Wide Web sites with pinup-style pictures of guns, and about Internet news group discussions that applauded the bombing. Again, there are plenty of places off line for people to find stylized pictures of guns (Hollywood movies are a pretty reliable source, for starters). And people are also applauding the bombing on talk radio, without a thousand-dollar computer and Internet connection.
Still, news groups themselves (part of a huge Internet community of electronic bulletin boards called Usenet) are an interesting study. The very features that make the Internet such a boon -- a free flow of information, with no central control mechanism -- also create a fertile breeding ground for extremists and others with special interests.

Usenet was designed in 1979 to cultivate specialized virtual communities of people who needed to share information on technical arcana. Today, extremist groups can use Usenet to swap their accusations of government malfeasance and treachery. And because the groups are so self-contained, these tales never have the benefit of being submitted to an outsider's reality check or corroborated in the process of being reported by the news media.

Of course this cloistering is precisely the point for many of these folks, who strongly believe that the mainstream news media are part of the dysfunctional system. But anyone who believes anything they read on the net without corroboration is begging to be misled.

The ability to connect people with extreme viewpoints, who would otherwise be on the fringe in their hometowns, is unique to the on-line world. As Francis Fukuyama, a Rand Corporation researcher and author of the "The End of History," noted in an Internet discussion grAoup last week, "It seems to me that contemporary technologies allow segments of civil society to opt out of the national community in ways that weren't really possible in the past."

That is certainly true. But as we've learned from recent disclosures about the militias' recruitment and indoctrination methods, bomb talk and on-line braggadocio do not make a standing army. The real stuff happens among a few hand-picked men in a training camp in the middle of rural pick-your-state. The bigger question is whether the Constitutional right to assemble is any different because it's on a computer network rather than in a rural bivouac.

Yet many lawmakers and Federal officials seem hell-bent on finding some way to snoop on the net.
Since February of this year, civil libertarians have been overwhelmed by the outcry against pornography on the Internet, where, in contrast to prime-time television, you have to look for it to find it. Most startling was the swiftness with which the Communications Decency Act was introduced by Senators Jim Exon, Democrat of Nebraska, and Slade Gorton, Republican of Washington, after a spate of news accounts of net-smut.

The bill would ban "obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, or indecent" communication on the Internet. Among its many questionable provisions, the bill would apply restrictions to on-line media that do not apply to printed or spoken expression.
The Senate is expected to consider the bill sometime toward the end of May, but it may not come to that. In early April, Senator Patrick J. Leahy, Democrat of Vermont, introduced the Child Protection, User Empowerment and Free Expression in Interactive Media Study Bill, which proposes a study to figure out how users, rather than the Government, can control the information they receive over the network.

And now there are more than 20 counterterrorism measures proposed by President Clinton, many of them reversing legislation that was intended to protect Government critics from Federal surveillance.
Terrorism and child pornography are Pavlovian issues in American culture. People who display great common sense in all other matters, and who fervently believe in the constitutional protections for privacy and free speech and freedom of assembly, crumple when someone from law enforcement says: "There are child pornographers and terrorists on the net. Don't you think we should use whatever means possible to stop them?"

But the argument "we're doing this for your own good" is a slippery slope when applied to free speech. Perverts and criminals will always be with us. Once they are stopped (always temporarily, if at all), who is next to be watched? As Benjamin Franklin said, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

The decisions we make today will be ones we live with for a very long time. If we want our Constitution to remain intact through today's turbulent times, we can't afford to demonize the Internet, or any other medium of human communication.

The only cure for hate speech, wherever it surfaces -- in a news group, on a radio show, in a magazine -- is to let it be heard, and to speak out against it.



ABOVE: Michael Gove wants to revamp the way technology is taught in schools
11th January 2012
ICT in England's schools is a "mess" and must be radically revamped to prepare pupils for the future, Michael Gove has said.

Teachers and industry leaders describe the current curriculum as "off-putting, demotivating and dull", and fails to inspire youngsters, he warned.

In a speech to the BETT conference in central London, the Education Secretary confirmed plans to scrap the current ICT (information and communications technology) curriculum from this September to allow schools to decide what to teach.

The subject will remain compulsory in primary and secondary schools in England for now, although it may not be after the Government's national curriculum review.

While Mr Gove's proposal was welcomed by many technology groups, concerns were raised by school leaders and unions about the pace of the changes.

The minister told the conference: "Schools, teachers and industry leaders have all told us that the current curriculum is too off-putting, too demotivating, too dull."

Submissions to the current curriculum review from technology groups say that the current ICT curriculum is "unsatisfactory", he added, with many worried that "it doesn't stretch pupils enough or allow enough opportunities for innovation and experimentation".

"They're telling me the curriculum has to change radically," Mr Gove said.

"In short, just at the time when technology is bursting with potential, teachers, professionals, employers, universities, parents and pupils are all telling us the same thing. ICT in schools is a mess."

Mr Gove, who said the proposals would be consulted on from next week, also revealed that he wanted to see new "rigorous" computer science courses in schools.

Teachers’ Council seeks ICT integration in learning

Teachers’ Council seeks ICT integration in learning

The Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN) has emphasised the need for professional teachers in Africa to embrace the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
This was contained in a statement issued in Abuja and signed by Mr Ojewuyi Muyiwa, TRCN’s  Head of Information.
The statement quoted TRCN’s Registrar, Prof. Addison-Mark Wokocha as making the call at the Africa Forum of Teachers Regulatory Agencies (AFTRA) conference in Cotonou, Republic of Benin.
Wokocha said this in a paper entitled: The need to integrate ICT in Teaching and Learning and the role of AFTRA at the conference.
He said ICT had become necessary in the teaching and learning transaction in the information age and knowledge-based economy.
“Teaching skills can be more readily acquired and improved through the use of ICT instruments such as e-learning and e-teaching, virtual library, virtual laboratory and video conference,’’ he said.
He noted that the creative use of ICT–related facilities to improve learning opportunities had eluded a lot of teachers in the educational systems of many African countries.
“These are undoubtedly, the pivot of dynamic pedagogy and must indeed be the indispensable instruments of transformation of the educational institutions as trained trainers in content teaching and transmission, ‘’ he said.
The Registrar of South Africa Council for Education, Mr Rej Brijraj who doubles as AFTRA Chairman, said the ability to use ICT in teaching e-learning transaction would provide the needed transformation in higher education on the continent.
“It will assist in making our continental knowledge bases institutions to be internationally competitive, ‘’ the statement quoted him as saying.  
The AFTRA Chairman noted that the benefits to be derived from making use of ICT include saving time taken to complete operations and saving energy spent in performing tasks.
 Brijraj added that the 1998 UNESCO World Education Report noted that the world of teaching and earning process was changing.
He said the new technologies challenge had overtaken traditional conceptions of teaching and learning, configuring how teachers and learners gain access to knowledge.
He said this had the potential to transform the teacher-centred and text-bound classroom into rich student-centred interactions knowledge 

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